Buddha Jayanti or the Buddha Purnima celebrates the birth of Prince Siddharta on the full moon night in the month of Vaisakh (April/May). Years later, on the same day, Prince Siddharta attained enlightenment and beacme the Buddha. Finally, on the same day, he attained parinibbana. Thus, Buddha Purnima marks not just the birth but also the death of Lord Buddha.

The festival falls on the full moon day in the month of Vaisakha, which usually falls in April or May according to the Gregorian calendar. It is a time for Buddhists to reflect on the teachings of the Buddha and to renew their commitment to the path of enlightenment.

On this day, Buddhists typically visit temples and monasteries to offer prayers, light candles, and make offerings of flowers and incense. They also participate in meditation and other spiritual practices, and listen to teachings on the Buddha's life and teachings.

Another important aspect of Buddha Purnima is the practice of "dana," or generosity. Buddhists are encouraged to practice acts of kindness and charity, such as donating food, clothing, or money to those in need. This is seen as a way of cultivating compassion and empathy, two key values in Buddhist teachings.

Buddha Purnima is a time for Buddhists to come together, to reflect on the Buddha's teachings, and to renew their commitment to the path of spiritual growth and enlightenment. It is an important opportunity to celebrate the life and legacy of one of the world's most revered spiritual leaders.